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Frank H. Peterson Academies of Technology
7450 Wilson Blvd.
Jacksonville, FL 32210

School: #280

District: #16           

Hours:  8:00-4:00

Bell Schedule:  8:25 am - 3:25 pm

Main Number: 904-573-1150

Counseling:  904-573-1150 ext 999909

Fax: 904-573-3206

Principal name, email Jessica Mastromatto, 904-573-1150 ext 999901

Assistant Principal Name, email L Janine Crowden,  904-573-1150 ext 999912

Assistant Principal Name, email Devin McFarland, 904-573-1150  ext 999911

SAC Chairperson, email, ph# Ms. Digna Ruiz, Email Digna Ruiz  573-1150 ext 999942

Volunteer coordinator name, email, ph# Carlene Stitz,
Email Carlene Stitz 573-1150 ext 999902

Board Member
Mr. Reginald K. Blount
Phone: (904) 390-2372
Email Mr. Blount

Regional Superintendent
Timothy Simmons
Regional Superintendent - Region of Hope 
Email Mr. Simmons

Title IX Coordinator Title IX Coordinator, email, ph# Devin McFarland,, 904-573-1150 ext 999911

Class Sponsors:

9th—Mr Walsh & Mrs S. Dixon
10th—Ms Harris
11th— Ms. Israel
12th— Mrs. Stagon & Ms. Berdugo

Website Information

The FHP Website is maintained by Larry Rud.

For questions about the site or to contribute photos or content,

Please email me at Larry Rud